Séverine Thys

Health Anthropologist at ASTRE

CIRAD / The French agricultural research and international cooperation organization

Séverine Thys is a Belgian One Health Anthropologist who is currently based in Montpellier working at CIRAD, the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean régions. With a master in Public Health and a PhD degree in Veterinary Medicine, she has been actively involved in the One Health movement since 2009 when she started  her research  at the institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp to foster instersectorial collaboration and to promote social sciences research of the nexus of animal-human-ecosystem in the field of neglected zoonotic diseases control among livestock owners from the Souths. To continue building bridges between disciplines and stakeholders, she is also co-charing the One Health Social Sciences Initiative from the One Health Comission (Washington, USA) and is a member of the french scientific committee of CESAB (Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity, a key program of the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity).

Title of the presentation : "The added value of anthropology for infectious diseases control in the One Health
movement: the case of Neglected Zoonotic Diseases".