Thierry Lefrançois

Head of Biological Systems Department


General Inspector of veterinary public health, Thierry Lefrancois has worked for over twenty years at CIRAD on the diagnosis, epidemiology and control of tropical animal diseases mainly vector borne diseases in Burkina Faso, Kenya and Guadeloupe. His research activities have focused on disease emergence and the development of interactions between research and surveillance in the framework of regional health networks in the South. He currently heads the Biological Systems Department (BIOS) at CIRAD, which brings together research units working in animal health, plant health, plant breeding and biodiversity, and promotes an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to health within the framework of the "One Health" concept. He is currently member of the committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks (COVARS) in support of the French government.

Title of the presentation : “One Health : what’s new at science-decision interfaces?”